Monday, 25 June 2012

Pictures on my skin.

I have always thought about getting a tattoo on my leg, most of my friends disagreed and my parents were wise to keep their opinion to their self, and my second father Martin Berney was more than vocal about his disgust, but I still wanted it. The money seemed to be spent on something else and the time didn't come up so my leg remained untouched, until.....

Adam emailed Steve Wood (the tattoo artist we both wanted) and turned out he had a free spot the coming Saturday. So for a birthday present to Adam and a gift to myself off we went to Auckland to get tattoos.

Adam went first as I was still not sure if I was going to go through with it and got this wonder piece of art of his arms. Then it was my turn.....

As you can tell by the look on my face and the tension in my neck that I was to enjoying the pain. I already have a tattoo on my wrist and that hurt like a mother so I though my thigh would not be as bad. Well was I wrong! It was horrible! The only good part about it was it stopped every few seconds. I am a chicken.

The look on my face sums up my experience. However I sucked it up kept my mouth shut and try to endure to pain for an hour. Before I knew it it was all over. I looked it over and thought "looks good". It is weird to think this is on me forever. I look forward to showing my grandchild or even my great grandchild and seeing them laugh at how ugly it looks on my old, wrinkly, fat legs.

After a few hours it was all over. I finally did something I have been meaning to do for a long time.
Excuse the dirty leg.
So why an anchor and the words? 
To me its means whatever happens in life I am anchored to a God that can and will handle. It is a consist reminder of who I am and who he is.

After that adventure we went for a drive. We found this small store and by the junk outside I was naturally intrigued.

It was filled with old books, boxes, bottles, bikes, nuts and bolts, all the things you would find in your grandparents shed. Despite the overly priced junk it was a pretty cool store. I still would rather go to the dump to spend my hard earned cash.

Two steps up the road we saw a sign saying two sweatshirts and three t.shirts for one hundred dollars. We popped in and out and had some new clothes to add to the bedroom floor. 

Lunch time came around quickly so we head off to Mission Bay for some Burger fuel and a walk around the beach. 

The sun was shining and everyone was out enjoying the cold but beautiful day.

The time had come to head back into the city, pick up a friend and go back to Hamilton.
We had a great day together, Adam and I don't have much time to go on adventures by ourselves so this was a much needed day. 
With Adam starting his new job in Auckland on Wednesday I will be seeing more of this beautiful city, who knows it may even become my home?

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